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Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hwy 101

well were trying to get all our gear together for our family vacation, can't wait to go, we should be leaving on Tuesday,if god let's us...
And yes we do say a little prayer before we go on the road. And yes he does over see what we do, That brings me back to one of our vacations coming back home after a long two week vacation, coming through Redding Ca. on the freeway, when my daughter was only almost two years old and we were in my husbands small truck at the time and a driver on the opposite side of the freeway came way across the open devider and almost missed us head-on by a couple of seconds so yes, I know for a fact god was watching out for us, I wouldn't be writing about it right now.

So I hope to the higher source we have a safe drive considering we will be traveling 1200 miles that's allot of time traveling....

even though we'll be on the road, we will be stopping all along the way sight seeing and taking tons of pictures along the coast.

The summer time is the perfect time to leave when it's like 101 degrees here and like 63 for the high perfect temp. to cool down. I know when your reading this don't hate me, please, I can almost smell the salty sea air...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mr. Big M.

I remember when I was young growing up around boys all my life really just my cousins. I didn't have a brother and no other siblings until the age of 8 so it was just my cousins. Didn't really matter to me because we were really tight. No body really picked on me, I mean who really would when your surrounded by big tough boys. Any ways, All I knew was it was so much fun! Its funny how when your young you don't really care whats going around you except the bad stuff and the fun stuff. I guess the elders sheltered me from hearing or seeing certain things, which I found out later could of led me to a life of foster homes or worse yet a property of the state. I do remember my parents always fighting and having to hide in the closet with my little sis. It scared her, but me it wasn't so much fear it was just an ordinary thing. I think it was more comforting the fact that my father was there in my life. Because I was more effected more when he wasn't in my life. Well in my earlier years I hanged out with my cousins, I remember my younger cousin he was a year younger than me, he always had cash on him, and he was never greedy with it, now thinking back that wasn't the norm at that age to have that much cash on a child. And then the houses they use to live in were no ordinary homes these were mansions with surveillance cameras and intercom systems in every room. I remember my family was no ordinary next door type if you know what I mean? They were always partying and celebrating. I remember my mom mentioning to me I never wanted for anything when Your father and I  were together. She said he would hold down three jobs to give her what she wanted, wow and look at the way she treated him utterly disgusting! Well he got away still with some sanity. Well I came to find out the real truth about the true life accounts of my childhood and they were nothing to leave to the imagination. My cousins father yes my uncle I will call him big M. for short, was a big shot at the time he was the biggest heroin dealer around in those days, this was back in the mid 70's to mid 80's and I guess my aunt and cousins had a couple of dry cleaning laundry shops that they owned, yes I know you don't live like the rich and famous earning that kind  of income. But you can launder money really easy through businesses like that. So all the time I was hanging out with my cousins My uncle was doing some major deals. And making some major money. They had the cars and the boats everything money could buy. I know my auntie was not using but my uncle was a vision to behold I was always afraid of him, he was always high. I guess he always got high on his own supply. I remember one time we were out in there boat one time and he got me and through me off in the sea, till this day I fear the water. My father never got involved with any of the business he later became a cop, so there you go. My father told me one time we all went to Mexico for the day I was a baby at the time and my uncle got one of my baby bottles and used it for his stash, when they crossed the border he went to retrieve it and my dad almost killed him when he found out. My mother verified the story and mentioned she knew nothing about it, I kind of find that hard to believe what mother doesn't know whats in her baby's bottles? She told me her and my aunt were the original Thelma and Louise and she would boast how she was nicked named Killer, and I don't know if she ever did I hope not! No daughter really wants her mother described as someone dangerous. My mother told me one time of when my aunt and her took a ride out to Sanquintin prison one day when my uncle was away and they did some drug drop for him by the prison so business still continued behind bars. I know for a fact my aunt wasn't to stay in love with my uncle as she saw her boys growing up I guess it was no life for her. I know half her sons followed in their fathers foot steps. My aunt on the other hand finally broke away from it all. My uncle finally went  to the rags as most druggies do. You never hear of a successful drug dealer do you or a one who successfully retires? I think not! Mr. big M is now dead of course not from prison not from murder, but from the heroin... My aunt passed away from health issues just two years ago. No matter what kind of life she led she wanted to be married to the man she fell in love with when she was 16 who knows maybe she thought she could change him or what ever the reason, I truly loved my auntie and she was the best mother to her boys. Now she can rest in peace L.O.L. auntie. I wish I could of wrote all about her adventures when she was alive...