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Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mansfield Park...

Jane Austen's  Mansfield Park

For the past couple of nights I've been entertaining myself with watching Jane Austen's Mansfield Park. 
I must admit it was quite good and made me want to be like Fannie Price even though in this time in age who could? unless your of an angelic creature. And to think of one so good hearted and enduring. I definatelly had to look up this certain word I always question myself from time to time when I do not use a certain word often. And I found this :en·dur·ing 
1. Lasting; continuing; durable: a novel of enduring interest.
2. Long-suffering; patient.
I found this definition of Fanny to be her.
 Poor dear sweet Fannie she really did endure...
And like they say good things happen to those who wait.
I am so happy she did not fall for the fake play that Henry Crawford tried. 
And I just love that about Fanny that she may come off passive and you would think gullible but she stood by her instincts and heart and the outcome was what prevailed. And lets not forget Henry, he gave in to his lust and went off with Maria.
So lets see... 
you then have Maria, the daughter of Sir Thomas Bertram
What a piece of work right? She has a perfectly great husband yes I know he's not the handsomest but by god you know he's trust worthy and loves her. Which makes makes him beautiful. 
So typical of Maria to run off with Mr.Crawford, you ask me they deserve each other.
 So they're both ruined at the end for their selfishness and lust to which we all know doesn't last.
Then you have...
  Edmund Bertram. The Bertrams' younger son. He will become a clergyman.The only one of the Bertrams' children with a good head and a good heart, Edmund is Fanny's closest companion.
Then Edmund blindly falls in love with shallow Mary which almost becomes the fall of him.

Then of course there is Mary Crawford...
 She is beautiful and charming, but also shallow and evil. She becomes friends with a reluctant Fanny, while Edmund falls in love with and nearly proposes to her.
 Then of course there's 
Henry Craford...
  -  Mary's brother. He is equally charming and possibly even more amoral, and he possesses a sizeable estate. First Maria and Julia fall in love with him, and he takes to Maria, despite her engagement. When Maria marries and the sisters leave Mansfield, he falls for Fanny and proposes to her. Everyone is convinced he is a changed man.
To we know the answer to that one...

I really found this Movie to be very well made and I thank my dear Jane Austen for another huge sucess. I almost to want to compare this to A Jane eyre but I cannot quite do this you see only in the same as maybe the role of Jane eyre to Fanny they both attain the some what same characteristics.
This one film was filmed in 1983 
And I've noticed that it had been remade several times. I really do look forward to seing the more modern versions, anything Jane Austen really I just adore and will definatelly occupy my time viewing and will be content. 

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