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Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Apple or Not?


I remember I was so over the moon when I purchased my apple IPad, and don't get me wrong I cannot go anywhere without my iPad. It's become an obsession with me... But the reason for this blog is this:
I wanted to know what your opinion is, Do you like apple products?  or not.
It's been over a year since I've owned my IPad. And I've never been happier, but I have to admit, the one flaw I found was it does not support flash. I was really bothered by that for a while, but I've grown accustomed to not having it and it's no big deal. Now about 5 months ago I really needed a computer, because no matter what you've been told my IPad is no computer. But I must say it comes pretty close for what I do on a daily basis. Before going out and making such an investment I always do a great deal of research,  I pretty much do that with everything. So here I go back into the Apple store O.M.G. Do I really want to purchase one of these computers? The mostinexpensive one I couldn't afford was starting at $ 1000, but they're so pretty and you know how us woman are we want pretty and don't forget that Apple logo, but serious come on, I had to think logical now, do I really need to dish out that kind of cash? Then I asked around alott and did some serious research. I couldn't believe all the negative feedback I was getting. I think maybe it was like 5 out of 95 said go for i,t buy the Apple, but then again they were not the one dishing out all that cash. So in the end I went and purchased a HP pavilion 7.3 laptop at the price of$ 800.00. And for that same price I couldn't even buy the cheapest, slowest Apple computer. In the end I am so happy with my new computer.
I honestly have to admit I'm still so attached to my IPad. A couple of months later my husband purchased an apple 4th generation Ipod for my daughter, so she would leave my Ipad alone,. I think that only solved that issue for a couple of weeks, she still won't leave my Ipad alone.  What can I say, Apple does make great products.
Then recently the Apple IPad 2 came out, and of course I had to go check it out for myself, compared it to mine, yes its a little bit lighter in weight and its got the camera and video, but I use my daughters Ipod for pictures and video, then just email-it to my Ipad and in seconds I'm fixed.
 My IPad is A God sent! I'll never forget the day my son found out I wanted one.  He is like so Anti- Apple. He believes anything apple is so overpriced and he thinks only people that have a Lott of money, sipping Starbucks, and rich kids and posers own one. And believe me I'm not any of those.
So there you go everyone is entitled to their opinion. And I would like to know from all you out there, Apple or Not? please let me know...L.O.L. violetschocolatesand books......

Here's a post you might be interested in reading, I found it very interesting....

Microsoft knows the truth - Apple Macs are too expensiveI hate to have to state the obvious here but Apple Macs are too expensive. Seriously. Why on earth would anyone pay the stupidly high asking price of Mr. Jobs’s latest piece of hardware when there are numerous Windows-based alternatives just waiting to be snapped up? Oh yeah, I forgot, some people like the shiny logo.
When Steve Ballmer recently put the boot into Apple pricing of theiPhone, arguing that, “No one’s going to pay $500 more for a logo,” he delivered the first salvo in what looks to more of an open assault on Microsoft’s biggest rival. It looks like pricing is going to be a key part of the company’s new marketing campaign.
TechCrunch has debuted the latest Microsoft advert, which features Lauren, the unfussy laptop-seeker who has $1000 to spend. her first stop is, naturally, the Apple store. I say naturally because it’s a fact of life that many people love the idea of owning an Apple product, maybe because of the name, maybe because of the fact it isn’t Microsoft, or maybe even because they feel that the price tag must mean it’s better.
Unfortunately for Lauren, she could only find one Apple laptop that came within her $1000 budget and that was a tiny 13-inch screen MacBook. This leads Lauren to declare, “I’m just not cool enough to be a Mac person.” So onwards and upwards to a more general electronics retailer where there are plenty of choices well within budget, and all fitting Lauren’s very broad demands.
This ad may be a low blow, but I can’t help thinking that it’s about time Microsoft starting stating the obvious. Apple Macs are way too expensive. And what do you really get for your money? An alternative to Windows. Wow. A minimalist design. Wow. A shiny logo. Wow. Membership of the Steve Jobs fan club. Where do I sign?
I know Apple fanboys will now likely be baying for my blood but if they were to remove their blinkers for just a second they too would realize they’re being taken for a ride by their beloved Apple. There is no need for Macs or any other Apple products to be priced as high as they are, except, of course, in order to increase the company’s already-bulging bank balance.
You may have noticed we’re slap-bang in the middle of a recession, one that some estimate could be as bad as the Great Depression. Apple fanatics may stick with their beloved during economic hardship but I can’t imagine the rest of the population even considering an Apple Macwhen their wallet is empty. So at least some good will come of the credit 


  1. I started blogging as a hobby but now Im addicted and realized I need an upgrade my equipment. So tell me more about your ipad. Please :) what do you use it for? Is it easy to carry around? Anything else you don't like besides the no flash?

  2. Hi Nikki, I'm so excited about the comment that you left. I really don't get much since I am new to the bloging scene too, and yes it's very addictive. I use to journal quite a bit, but now I blog. I don't know if you have a passion for reading or books, but there's a site you might be interested, bookblog ing.
    So anyways as for the IPad what can I say, I think it's the best thing since chocolate. I don't understand all the negative things people are saying about the iPad. I love mine and I will never replace it with anything else,even my laptop. Its small enough and portable to carry around and blog on the go, emailing, listening to all my favorite music,gaming,I mean I can go on and on. And I do own the First IPad, and for me I don't need the new one since I have an iPod to take pictures. So if you do plan on purchasing one you would definitely get the ipad2, which is lighter and faster, but I wouldn't dish out the extra money for 3G, who needs the extra bill every month? You can find wifi hot spots everywhere when your not at home. If you want to find out more information about Apple product go to the apple site. And I'm sure if buy apple products your making a real investment with your money. Warning though, you might go through IPad addiction... If you have any more Questions email me. l.o.l. violet....

  3. Hey violet! One of my girls asked me if I knew anyone that would like to join one of our reviewing groups and I thought of you! Rachel has an awesome selection of books and is always overloaded. She allows you to choose your own books and to post the reviews on your blog. Its a good way to make friends and meet knew and upcoming authors. Email me at viajeradelmar@aol.com if your interested!
