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Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Monday, September 24, 2012

Huge lump on my cat...

I feel so bad my conscience is killing me a little. I found this huge lump on my cats right leg on Friday and I have no idea what it is. I've gone on the net to see if other people have had this same problem and i really haven't found out much. I thought maybe it was a black widow bite or some kind of bug bite. It feels like its filled with fluid. My husband decided to try to pierce it with a needle but its skin was too thick and my cat kind of cried. My cat is showing no signs of illness he's still the ornery cat that he always is... I think I will wait and see a couple more days...and decide to visit the vet. My sister said she took her cat to the vet because it had an ear infection and that visit cost her $300
I really don't need that right now...

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